Newborn Behavioural Observation (NBO) System training
This training provides health professionals who work with parents during the perinatal period, with an easy to use tool for the careful observation of 18 newborn capacities and behavioural adaptations.
The Newborn Behavioural Observation (NBO) system utilises carefully honed skills in observation of newborn regulatory, physical and social capacities to promote attuned parenting, and optimise the neurological and psychological development of infants. Training in the NBO includes training in the careful observation of 18 newborn capacities and behavioural adaptations prominent from birth to the third month of life. It is designed to be easy to use and is a helpful tool for obstetric, midwifery, mental health, paediatric, occupational therapy, speech therapy, nursing and general practice professionals who work with parents during the crucial perinatal period.
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