Home Visiting Service
A weekly service for caregivers resident in Alexandra Township with infants aged under 2 years. Visits by an Early Childhood Community Practitioner provide emotional support and promote positive parent-infant interactions .
This service to caregivers and their infants, consists of weekly visits to their home by an Early Childhood Community Practitioner. The parent/caregiver receives emotional support with the aim of decreasing her levels of stress and increasing her capacity to provide quality care. She also receives psycho-education around the importance of the first 1000 days, the infant’s needs, and how to provide quality emotional care. The service includes using the NBO and other activities to promote positive parent-infant interactions. The service is for parents or caregivers who are residents of Alexandra Township with infants aged under 2 years
1 on 1
By Appointment
By Appointment
Duration - 1 hour.
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