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Family and Systemic Therapy Training

Sat, 30 Sept


Online Training

This introductory, foundation phase, Family and Systemic Therapy training is aimed at clinicians engaging with, and wanting to enhance their theory and practice. CPD Points are applied for.

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Family and Systemic Therapy Training
Family and Systemic Therapy Training

Time and place

30 Sept 2023, 10:00 – 11 Nov 2023, 16:00

Online Training


A discount of R500 per person will be offered for group bookings of 3 or more people. Email for a discount code.

Dates: Saturdays, 30 Sep, 14 Oct and 11 Nov 2023 

This three-session online training, with e-learning components focusing on Systemic Thinking, Self of a Therapist and Relational Practice. 

The course will cover the following topics: 

1. Introduction to Systemic Thinking

2. First and Second Order Change

3. Genograms and Life Cycle

4. Practical Application of Genograms and Hypothesising

5. Neutrility and Curiosity

6. Context and Meaning

7. Domains of Practice

8. Biases, Self-Awareness and Self-Reflexivity

9. Social Graces

10. Feedback Loops

11. Relational Reflexivity

About the trainers:  

Petra Titlbachova, MSc (Family Psychotherapy) and MA (Social Research and Social Work) is an experienced UKCP accredited Family and Systemic Psychotherapist and Supervisor. She believes in developing a strong collaborative relationship with people that come to see her to maximize their success. Her strength-based approach is rooted in Systemic Theory. Empathy and humour play a significant role in her relational style. Petra has worked with children, adolescents, and families with a variety of social, emotional, behavioural, and learning issues.   Throughout her career, that spans more than 20 years she has worked in both inpatient and outpatient mental health setting. Petra has always strived to work at organisations and alongside professionals that are considered to be leading experts, and who are actively engaged with current developments in the field of systemic psychotherapy and helping professions in general. She has worked at Great Ormond Street Hospital, which is considered to be an international centre of excellence in child healthcare and at The Tavistock Clinic; a specialist mental health trust, where she worked with mothers with very young children returning from the conflict in Syria.

Bernice Goliath, MSc (Systemic Psychotherapy), and a registered member of the UK Council for Psychotherapy have been qualified for twenty years as a Social Worker. She currently works as a Specialist Practitioner within Children’s Services in the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea, where she has been employed as a Social Worker since 2014. She holds complex cases and co-work cases where specific pieces of work or assessment are required.

She has experience working in different local authorities within frontline child protection teams, in the substance misuse service and in school settings. In these settings she has developed experience in preparing court reports and parenting assessments as part of care proceedings, along with undertaking complex child protection and child in need assessments. She has significant experience of working with looked after children; including those in foster care, residential units and children who have been adopted.

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Ububele Educational & Psychotherapy Trust

1 10th road, Kew



South Africa


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WhatsApp: +27 79 407 5461

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